Lent is the period of time that prepares us for Resurrection Sunday. It is a time of repentance and renewal. Repentance is the key act of Christian faith, where we leverage the life we've been given and return it to God in faith and obedience. In returning back to God, we are renewed—God's gospel and Holy Spirit infuse our lives and make us a new creation. This year during Lent, Imago Dei Community will be zeroing in on one aspect of our mission: to take the whole gospel, to the whole person, to the whole world. The part we will explore is what we mean by being a "whole person?" What does Scripture say about our humanity? And how might we leverage all of who we are to all of who God is? Join us for Lent as we practice repentance in order that we might receive renewal from Christ by his grace.

  • Ash Wednesday: Family Experience


    On Ash Wednesday we’ll gather in the Prayer Chapel for story and worship and communion together as an Imago Kids community. We’ll practice listening and make space for moving our bodies and wondering things out loud. Questions about it? Email seth@idcpdx.com

  • Ash Wednesday Service


    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent as the Church journeys with Jesus toward Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We invite you to join us for this special gathering as we remind ourselves that apart from God’s life-giving Spirit—His divine breath in our lungs—we are but only dust. Our mortality may have the first word, but Resurrection has the final word. “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

  • Mid-Week Prayer and Fasting


    The prayer space will be open during Lent on Mondays from 7:00-8:00 AM and Wednesdays from 12 noon - 1:00 PM. This will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and go through Wednesday April 9.

    We also encourage you to fast every Wednesday during Lent. For thousands of years, Christians have fasted during Lent. This means abstaining from food so we might engage our physical body with our deepest need: God himself. We encourage you to participate in all kinds of creative ways as your health, age, and life stage allows.

  • Baptism Class


    For any and all interested in being baptized, we want to create a space to connect, ask questions, and walk through what baptism means and why it matters for us as followers of Jesus. There will be space uniquely for kids and their grownups in our Courtyard Room, as well as separate space for adults considering baptism in the Prayer Chapel to process and share together. Registration is encouraged.

  • Holy Week Prayer

    APRIL 14-17 FROM 12-1 PM

    Prayer Space is open from 12 noon to 1:00 every day during Holy Week, Monday through Thursday. We will have a meditation passage for each day. Read the passage. Locate Jesus in his journey to the cross. Consider how you yourself are a recipient of His grace and mercy as you carry your own cross.
    Monday: Matthew 21:12-27
    Tuesday: Matthew 25:1-13
    Wednesday: Luke 22:1-6, Matthew 22:1-16
    Thursday: John 13:34

  • Good Friday


    Join us for a special Good Friday experience as we reflect on the pain, suffering, and love of Christ's cross, and why Christians dare call it "good."⁠ This year we will be holding an immersive experience through the Stations of the Cross. You will be invited to walk through the pivotal moments of Jesus' final hours leading up to his crucifixion, death and burial. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” – 1 Peter 2:24


April 20th at 9 and 11 AM

We are overjoyed to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ together on Easter Sunday, April 20th. We will offer two services at 9am and 11am with all our kids and families in the main sanctuary. We will worship, hear about the hope we have in Jesus, and celebrate the sacrament of baptism. For thousands of years, Christians from all over the world have anchored their faith in the history-changing event of the resurrection. Come worship with us and receive from God the hope we all need. Everyone is welcome!