New Here?
Welcome to Imago Dei!
Whether it’s your first time here, or you’ve been coming for a while and simply want to know more about us, you’ve come to the right place. Below you’ll find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, contact us at or 503-231-5096.
We gather weekly to celebrate God and His story, worship Jesus as a united people, explore and apply the Scriptures, offer songs to God, and share the Lord’s Supper.
We would love for you to participate in our Sunday gathering and hear the word preached—10 AM every week. If you are unable to join us, all of our teaching is available via livestream through our YouTube channel. You can also find the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google.
Service Sundays at 10 am
You can find us at Ankeny and SE 14th Ave. Parking is limited so plan to arrive a few minutes early to find street parking or find a few designated smaller parking spaces, labeled around the neighborhood with a-frames signs.
If you are biking in, we have bike racks right outside our sanctuary doors.
Location & Parking
If you're visiting us for the first time, we'd love to meet you! On your first Sunday with us please make your way to our Connection Table which is on your right hand side as you enter the sanctuary. A member of our Pastoral Team would love to greet you, help you find a seat, invite you to a warm cup of coffee, and answer any initial questions you might have. We can't wait to welcome you home at Imago!
Your First Sunday
Are you curious about our church and wondering what your place is here? Do you want to get to know other new people and maybe ask a question or two of our leadership? Our every other month Welcome to Imago lunch is your best next step to getting connected. Please let us know you’re coming to the next class here by signing up through our events page here, or just showing up!
Welcome to Imago Class
Imago Dei Next Gen offers kids and youth classes for infant through Middle School with a High School group that meets after service. If your family is planning to visit for the first time i't’s helpful to arrive 10-15 mintues early to find parking, get acquainted, and let us know it’s your first time here. You can also save time at the check-in station by adding your household here:
Kids and Youth
Our desire is for the next generation to know that they are made, known, and loved by God. You can learn more about Next Gen here.
Join your Imago Dei community for a time of pre-service prayer Sunday mornings starting at 9:00 in the Prayer Space and moving out into the sanctuary afterwards. All are welcome as we spend time seeking the Holy Spirit, praying with each other and all parts of the service to follow (sermon, visitors, prayer doors, worship, etc). The Prayer Space is located at the corner of Ash and SE 15th Ave and will be open at 8:45.
Pre-Service Prayer
We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins.
If you would like to talk to a pastor about following Jesus, or if you’re a new Christian looking for some next steps, contact Pastor Naseem Khalili at
You can learn more about what we believe on our Mission and Core Convictions page.
Imago Dei (Latin for “Image of God”) began in 2000 when Rick McKinley came to Portland, OR, on mission with his wife Jeanne and their four children. Recognizing that creativity and justice were expressions of God already widely celebrated within the culture, Rick and the other founding members embraced and supported Portland’s burgeoning indie art scene and social justice sector, building a creative and activating experience of worship.
Rather than building a community on methods (seeking to assert HOW Imago Dei would go about loving and serving and growing), Rick and the founding members strove to build a community on an open, communal, and prayerful study of the Scriptures—so that the actual people forming Imago Dei would know God’s answers to WHY—why study Scripture, why pay intimate attention to God, why practice community, why preach the gospel, why love the world?
Since August 2023, Imago Dei’s elder board and Rick McKinley have commissioned Chris Nye as the new Lead Pastor of Imago Dei Central City. We are so excited and expectant for how God is going to move in and through Chris and his leadership, alongside our staff and elders.
Imago Dei Community is a non-denominational church, striving to live out the Biblical command to love God, each other and our neighbors well. This means worshipping and following Jesus Christ not only through our words, but also through the lives we lead.
We strive to avoid religiosity, attempting to live honestly before the real and living God—constantly engaging with and committing fully to worshipping God, in and through everything.
For those who desire deeper connection to Imago Dei and our community, we would love to get to know your story and help you get plugged in.
The easiest place to start is by filling out our Connection Card HERE.
You can also always attend our Welcome to Imago class which runs regularly. RSVP for the upcoming class date here.
Imago Dei does not have traditional membership, but invites people into Covenant Community.
Covenant Community is the place within Imago Dei where believers express their unity in Jesus and live out their faith together. More than formal church membership, Covenant Community is for those who are invested and committed to the church and its community.
You can learn more about Covenant Community by attending one of our monthly Welcome to Imago classes as well as our quarterly Covenant Community classes (2 weeks long).
Yes! To get in touch with a particular pastor, feel free to send them an email, listed on our Staff Page.