

Many of us are taught that prayer is the simple act of talking to God. That is a part of it, to be sure, but take a moment right now to think about a person you love most in the world. How much of that relationship is just you talking to them? How much of it is more than that?Prayer is both talking and listening. It is sitting in knowing silence and wrestling with uncertainty. Prayers express our emotions—sadness, anger, joy, gratitude and everything in between. In prayer, we can come full of questions or we can come carrying nothing but our need to be seen. The important thing is that we come, because ultimately, prayer is time spent with God. It is not an exercise as much as it is an ENCOUNTER.

When we pray, we come face to face, or heart to heart, with a living and loving Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. At Imago Dei, we are committed to being a praying community. We believe that prayer is not a supplement to the life of a Christian, it is the life of a Christian.

Need Prayer?

Nothing is too big or too small to bring to God. Every Sunday during service, we are available to pray with you and for you immediately following the sermon at the two doors to either side of the stage. You may also fill out a Connect Card with your prayer request via the link below.

Pre-Service Prayer

All are welcome to join your Imago Dei family for a time of corporate prayer, Sunday mornings starting at 9:00 am in the Prayer Space and then moving out into the sanctuary to pray over that area and all parts of the service to take place in it (worship, sound equipment, the message, volunteers, visitors, children’s ministry, etc). 

The Imago Dei Prayer Space is located at the corner of Ash and SE 15th Ave and will be open at 8:45am on Sundays.

Join the prayer team

As a member of our prayer team, you are on the frontlines of the work God is doing through and in Imago Dei. The prayer team gathers on Sunday for pre-service prayers, responds to the regular prayer needs of our congregation, intercedes for our neighbors, Portland, and prays for global concerns. You may participate in all or part of that. You may also work with our pastoral team to help our people lean into deeper prayer practices.