Summer at Imago Dei

While the summer is often a time of vacation and rest, at Imago Dei our church desires to continue growing in the way we encounter Jesus, are formed by His presence, and sent on His mission to be the whole gospel to the whole person to the whole world.

Scroll down to check out all the ways you can join in on this with us!


Discipleship starts with encountering Jesus. This often means encountering Jesus through the community of Jesus; one another! Here are some invitations for you to join in on:

  • Healing Prayer Service

    Sunday, August 25th

    We believe our God is a healing God. In prayer, we desire to seek his power to transform our wounds and restore us. We are creating space for this through a time for anyone with emotional, physical, or spiritual wounds to seek the living God is prayer. No need to register, simply come and receive prayer after church in our prayer space as you feel led.

  • Connections in the Courtyard

    Every Sunday after church

    Connections in the Courtyard is a weekly opportunity to connect after the Sunday service over treats and refreshments. Stick around, enjoy the nice weather, and make a new friend. We’d also love involving people who are interested in serving with us to make this possible!

  • Family Park Meet-Ups

    Every Wednesday and Saturday

    On Wednesdays and Saturdays, Imago Dei parents are hosting park Meet-Ups to let the kids run wild and to make space for grown-ups to connect with one another. Locations rotate around the city. Email Rachel Reeser below for more details!


Jesus is forming us through his word, his presence, and his people. As a community, we want this summer to be a time of deep rest and formation. Here are some different ways we are being formed into Christ’s image over the summer.

  • Supper Clubs

    Throughout the Summer

    The vision of Supper Clubs is to provide a space for deep, meaningful, and fun connections with our church community over a shared meal. This is a chance to meet new people and enjoy our Imago Dei family. Supper Clubs meet for one evening in small groups around the metro area to share in fellowship together.

  • Parent Connection Nights

    June 25, July 30, August 27

    It takes a village to raise a child, and it’s helpful if the village gets to know each other. Parents of children of all ages will meet up on the last Tuesday of each month for food and conversation during youth group. Childcare is available, but please RSVP in advace and let us know if you’re bringing your kiddos.

  • Summer Study: Praying Scripture Class

    Wednesday July 17, 24, and 31 at 7PM

    In this three-week class, we participated with our community in learning to engage with the Bible in a new way. We looked at prayers in the Psalms and Paul’s letters to give us a blueprint for how we can pray through the reality of everyday emotions and circumstances. We practiced prayer disciplines like lectio divina, meditation, silence, and more.


God has called his people to join him in his mission. We want to be intentional with our time this summer to do the work of God in our city. Here are a few of the ways you can live out God’s mission over the summer.

  • Serve with CityTeam

    June 30, July 28, August 25

    The last Sunday of the month we are gathering together to serve dinner and share life with our houseless community at CityTeam. We will meet at CityTeam's location at 526 SE Grand Ave, Portland 97214.

    If you have any questions please contact Pastor Seth.

  • August Justice Series

    Throughout August

    All month long we're making space to intentionally consider what it looks like to follow Jesus into the unique spaces of Justice and Mercy that He is inviting our entire community into. Consider engaging in our shower ministry, volunteering with buddies, or prayerfully considering what else God may be inviting you into.